Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Well now that summer is officially over and the snow is falling I thought I'd recap on some of our summer activities. Garrett and I and occasionally Grant picked gallons and gallons of raspberries from my mother in law's raspberry patch. At the beginning of the year Garrett was such a good helper although he usually ate faster than I could pick. Eventually he got bored of picking raspberries and would watch the tractors in the fields behind. So what did we do with all the raspberries you ask? Well I've made a couple batches of raspberry jam, frozen gallons for future use and made special deliveries to my family in Boise. We love raspberries!
Sneaking a few from Mom's bucket
Thanks Aunt Alesa for taking the pictures. Of all those days picking raspberries you would think I would have taken pictures once.


Economic Analyst said...
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The Simpers said...

We are still sad we didn't make it up your way when we were in Rexburg to pick raspberries with you. It looks like you had way too much fun!!

Jon + Kat said...

those raspberries are making my mouth water! I miss the freshness for just picked berries. totally jealous!

Courtney said...

Do I somehow get to be included into that Boise-Family grouping??? That looks like so much fun! There is NOTHING in the world like fresh raspberries... and way to be super domestic!!

Ben and Shara said...

Awesome pics! and leave it to Aunt Liza to teach a skill like canning. It must be the role of mother-in-laws. My Mom-in-law also did the canning thing with me this year. It is too bad we missed out on the pairs though. you are lucky!!

Candace said...

Mmmmm....raspberries. I'm so jealous. I'm glad you had such a good little helper there.