Monday, December 21, 2009

December Happenings

As you can tell we haven't blogged in a while but that doesn't mean we haven't been MAKING MEMORIES. Although we failed to post Halloween or Thanksgiving pictures we've been having so much fun with Garrett and our new little one and watching them both grow. So to make up for my lack of posting, here's our December Happenings. (Sorry my pictures are so terrible)

This is our advent calendar. I let Garrett pick out any candy he wanted to fill it and he choose little packages of pez.So every morning Garrett wakes up asks what day it is and fills his little reindeer pez dispenser. I've never seen a happier child. Here's our beautiful Christmas tree that we went and cut down. This is the best one we found by far. Can you see a special little decoration in the tree?Garrett added his own little flair this year. He threw this empty 7-up bottle in the tree and was so thrilled that it stuck. He thinks it's the funniest thing ever. So I decided it could stay this year. It's grown on us.Elf is our favorite Christmas movie this year. Garrett loves it. We've watched it tons of times. We just bought the Polar Express and have been enjoying that for the past few days as well. It's been a nice break from Garrett's favorite movie UP.This is my wonderful nativity set that my Mother gave me last year. It's not a great pic but this might be the only year it gets used because if you look closely you can see the injured donkey in the front and nobody will fess up.

Other than that we've enjoyed some fun Christmas parties. I made my mothers famous Sugar cookies for a cookie exchange. (They we beautiful and delicious) We've played in the snow a little bit. Grant winterized the snow machines! We managed to not take a family picture in time to get a Christmas card out. I had all my Young Women over to my house yesterday for our Christmas lesson and breakfast. We've shopped and wrapped and curled ribbon and all those fun things and we're excited and ready to head to Boise for Christmas!!!!!!

P.S. we took some quick family pictures yesterday and I'll post them in the next day or too. So stay tuned.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Since Brinley decided to surprise us a little early we were able to head down to Utah for little Miya's blessing. We had such a good time with family and enjoyed spending Labor Day with Thayne and Jennifer and there kids at This is the place.

Our cute little family at the wonderful luncheon. That's Garrett's "Happy Face"

Billy and Alesa and little Eliza. She's the second of the three cousins. Born 11 days before Brinley.

The Wilson Dads!

The cute little train ride at This is the Place. This was Garrett's favorite part. He rode this train like 5 times. I wish you could have seen his little face.

The horse ride. Garrett was so big and rode all by himself. Some fun family shots.

Garrett is 3!

After we got back from Utah I turned around and headed to Boise to let my family meet little Brinley. We had such a good time there going to the zoo, riding the paddle boats, and celebrating Garrett's 3rd birthday.
This is the little announcement I sent out. Garrett is really into construction equipment.

Here's his cake. Actually it's called cow pie in my family maybe mud pie in other families. It was delicious and messy and best of all it looked like a load of dirt!

Garrett got this camera from Grandma Brenda and spent the rest of the night taking pictures of everyone!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

She's here!

Our little girl has arrived. Brinley Raquel Wilson was born on August 18th and we're so happy to have her here. We think she's the most beautiful baby!

Garrett loves his new baby sister and loves being a BIG brother even more!

This is my favorite picture. She's two days old!
More pictures and details to come.

Monday, July 20, 2009


We took a little trip up to Yellowstone on Saturday! The park was free so we were all over that. It was a hot and crowded day but we enjoyed seeing the sights, a few animals, and just being together.
Mammoth Hot Springs. This is one of the only pictures where Garrett is looking at the camera.
The upper falls complete with a rainbow that Garrett loved.A little church near Mammoth Hot Springs. Grant loves old buildings.
The classic Buffalo picture. Garrett loved the Buffalo!

Old Faithful
Garrett looking back to make sure his slow pregnant Mom can keep up. We live in such a beautiful area I'm glad we sometimes take the time to enjoy the sights. There were people from all over the world there to see what we have in our backyard. We talked with some people from Spain who said they'd been all over the world and that Yellowstone in the most beautiful place they've been. Imagine that!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

High Valley!

We went to Boise over the 4th of July weekend and spent most of the time up at High Valley at a Family Reunion. I left my camera in Boise so my wonderful mother mailed t back to me which is why this post if so late!

This is the beautiful land that my Uncle Miles owns.

Katie, Kelsey and Garrett on the four wheeler. Keep in mind we had been camping!

I can't tell you who had more fun camping, Garrett or his Dad, but they both loved to ride all the motorcycles that my Uncles own. Garrett would beg Grant to take him!
This is my cousin Bethany and Garrett. She was able to take leave from the NAVY and spend the weekend with us. We even managed to get a good picture with his Navy T on.

We snapped a few pictures of Garrett and his cousin Kiley after we got back home on the 4th. They had so much fun playing together and wrestling trees and picking wildflowers. They are quickly becoming little buddies.
And of course we couldn't have the 4th without some fireworks. Garrett loved it. Be kind we just got back from camping so no shower and no makeup! We had a great time and can't wait for the next reunion in August!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

These boots were made for walking!

We are long over due for an update! But first I had to post these pictures of Garrett. He wanted to wear his work boots just like Dad last night and as you can see we are in the beginning stages of potty training so this is usually what we sport around the house. Not we, Garrett! Anyway Garrett is growing so fast and so am I. I'm just heading into the 8th month of this pregnancy and getting more and more excited.
Since I last posted we had a wonderful Memorial day, a baby shower for Alesa, a trip to Utah for my other sister-in-law Jennifer's baby shower, lots of swimming in Jackson, and playing at the park now that the sun has decided to come out. We're heading to Boise for the 4th of July for a family reunion so I promise to take lots of pictures and keep our blog a little more up to date! Have a Great Independence Day!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer is HERE!

Grant has been fighting me every summer since Garrett was born on the summer butch job and this year he finally won. I let him cut Garrett's hair but I wasn't very happy about the whole situation. It made it even worse with Garrett sitting on the bar stool crying because his hair was falling on the ground. In the end we all survived and I have to admit he looks pretty cute or so grown up. Here's the BEFORE....

And the AFTER!

Grant also requested that I take pictures of both of them since Grant was giving himself a haircut as well. Garrett is really into making funny faces in pictures.

My silly boys!

And last but not least a silly family picture. We're ready for summer now!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We're having a .....

GIRL!!! We are so excited and Garrett is excited to have a little baby sista! I had my 20 week ultrasound on Friday and we took the classic belly shot which we never did with Garrett and you can see why. Grant never takes pictures and when he does he just hurries and takes it. So since I don't have editing software, you get to see the entire extended family of the couple we are house sitting for and the very attractive dog food. As well as the belly! So it's a girl and we couldn't be happier. It's getting warm and the snow is melting, I am past the morning sickness and I'm going to have a little girl. Life is good!